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Home Generator Repair

a white rectangular object with a hole in it

Professional Home Generator Repair in Atlanta, GA

Your Whole Home Generator is a vital asset for your Atlanta, GA residence, ensuring your family remains prepared during unexpected power outages, which often occur due to unforeseen circumstances or severe Georgia storms. Maintaining your Whole Home Generator in optimal condition is crucial for these emergencies. If you find your generator malfunctioning, you can rely on the expertise of Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling to restore its functionality.

Our Whole Home Generator Repair Services are designed to ensure your generator can withstand any storm. With a team of highly trained specialists, we prioritize accurate repairs and seamless operation, ensuring your generator is ready when you need it most. We never commence any work without your approval, providing you with reliable and effective service. Contact us today for more information, to get your questions answered, or to schedule a repair service, and even receive a free price quote.

Indicators That Your Whole Home Generator Requires Professional Repair

If your Whole Home Generator is showing any of these symptoms, it probably needs professional repair from the experts at Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling:

No electricity

If your Whole Home Generator isn't producing electricity, it likely needs repair. Don't panic; it can probably be fixed without a full replacement.

Not enough power

If your electronics malfunction (e.g., flickering lights, intermittent power) while using your generator, it indicates an issue with your Whole Home Generator.

Start up delay

A common sign of Whole Home Generator failure is startup delays. It may still run fine once started, but these delays signal imminent issues. Contact us!

Visible damage

Regularly inspect your Whole Home Generator for issues like frayed wires and corrosion. Note any problems. If you see significant damage, it may need servicing.

Foul smells

If your generator emits any odor, it signals a problem like burning, gas, or exhaust leaks. Contact us immediately for assistance!

Odd noises

Your Whole Home Generator should operate silently until needed. If it produces unusual noises or smells, it indicates a mechanical or electrical issue requiring repair.

a white rectangular object on a stone surface next to a white fence

Reasons for Whole Home Generator Malfunctions

To properly diagnose your Whole Home Generator failure, have a professional from Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling inspect it. Common reasons for generator issues include:

  • Neglect - Like a car, infrequent use can damage your generator.
  • Mechanical Error - Aging parts, such as belts, can fail.
  • Wiring Errors - Incorrect or damaged wiring can cause inconsistent or no power.
  • Gas and Fuel Issues - Damaged fuel lines can stop the generator, posing a fire hazard. Only licensed experts should repair this.
  • Coolant Issues - Coolant leaks can cause the system to overheat and shut down.

Book a Home Generator repair near you in Atlanta, GA, today!

Are you having issues with your home generator? Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling is Atlanta, GA's trusted name for reliable home electrician services.

Trust the Electrician Experts in Metro Atlanta Georgia

As your trusted electrician team, we will always provide you with the right repair solutions at fair prices.

At Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling, we promise to provide you with the correct solution at an honest price. Our skilled technicians will arrive at your home fully equipped to fix most problems on the spot. Before starting any repairs, they will explain all of your options so you can make informed decisions. Trust us to service and repair most brands of equipment professionally. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

Have more questions? Contact Us for all your inquiries! We look forward to serving you!

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Our technicians are experts with professional licenses and certifications

We won't push unnecessary products or services on you

We guarantee all recommended repairs

Flexible scheduling, with the option for same-day service

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my generator require maintenance?

Absolutely, generators require regular maintenance! It's crucial to have a professional from Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling perform proper maintenance on your generator at least annually. Regular upkeep ensures everything operates smoothly and can even prolong the life of your system.

How long do generators last?

On average, generators have a lifespan of around 20 years. Proper maintenance is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. To ensure your generator remains in top condition, schedule annual maintenance with a professional from Keep Smiling Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Cooling.

Is it safe to connect my portable generator directly to an outlet?

No, due to the fact that it is both extremely dangerous and illegal. Plugging your portable generator directly into a standard wall outlet can lead to backfeeding into the utility lines connected to your house. This backfeeding can cause serious injury or even death to an unsuspecting utility worker who is working to restore power or repair downed utility lines. Additionally, connecting your portable generator to an electrical outlet poses a risk of overloading your circuits, potentially causing a fire. To avoid such disasters, it is best to have a licensed professional install a transfer switch. A transfer switch will disconnect your home from the electrical grid while allowing your generator to power your home safely. Transfer switches are available in both manual and automatic options and are recommended for use with both portable and standby generators.